Verbal Reasoning Inside Out 5

By Judeson A Ogberaha

Description coming soon

Judeson Ogberaha is one of Africa’s prolific writers and authors with regard to educational materials. Beyond the business aspect of writing, printing, and publishing. He is passionate about being a change agent in the educational sector with the aid of the right books. For decades, no single day, except the LORD’s day has he not picked a pencil to write. He does this tirelessly too, sacrificing many things to see to it that the African child gets quality education and can go on to do great things locally and internationally. From being the child locked up in the school’s toilet to not disgrace the inspectors when they come around, he has gone on to get degrees in the English language from one of Nigeria’s prestigious universities, the University of Lagos. His exposure to his education and being a self-taught expert in this area has made him a critical writer, who daily seeks to infuse the key things that students need to excel in their academics. He has won awards recognizing his contributions to the progress of the African child through education. He writes in a way that everyone can relate to the content irrespective of anything.

Verbal Reasoning Inside Out 5